首页> 中文期刊>天水行政学院学报 >多源流理论视角下“城乡居民大病保险”政策分析




“城乡居民大病保险”明确针对城镇居民医保、新农合参保(合)人大病负担重的情况,引入市场机制,建立大病保险制度,减轻城乡居民的大病负担,大病保险报销比例不低于50%。本文基于金登多源流的公共政策过程分析框架,分别对“城乡居民大病保险”的问题源流、政策源流与政治源流进行了分析,指出了开启“城乡居民大病保险”政策的政策之窗(机会之窗),最终使“城乡居民大病保险”政策出台,这一政策的全面实施使得大病不再是“不能承受之重”,也是彰显我国社会公平正义的重要举措。%Serious illness medical insurance of urban and rural residents policy clearly for urban residents health insurance and new rural cooperative insurance of the burden of the disease. It introduces market mechanisms and establishes a serious illness insurance system, which reduce the burden of urban and rural residents, serious illness insurance reimbursement rate for not less than 50%. Based on the framework of the public policy process analysis of Kingdon’s multiple streams model theory, Separately analysis for the problem stream, policy stream and political stream of Serious illness medical insurance of urban and rural residents policy, also pointed out open the policy windows (open the opportunity windows) . Finally, it prompted Serious illness medical insurance of urban and rural residents policy, and full implementation of this policy makes a serious illness is not a’can not bear the heavy’, but also highlights the important measures of social fairness and justice in our country.



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