首页> 中文期刊> 《天津市工会管理干部学院学报》 >关于农民工民主权利实现路径的思考




Migrant workers rights and interests guarantee is a system engineering.The legitimate and labor economic rights and interests are often guaranteed by democratic rights to ensure the effective implementation.But the democratic rights of migrant workers groups are often ignored,especially the lack of the way of interest demanding and corresponding guarantee system.the obstacle factors restrict to realize the democratic rights of migrant workers are legal systems defects,development of the concept of existence deviation,double discrimination on household registration system and employment system,different staff groups competing interests and their quality and ability are relatively insufficient.In order to safeguard the democratic rights of migrant workers,concept breakthrough and system guarantee are needed,through duty acting meeting,labor union,the publicity of factory affairs and other channels,to implement according to its different parts,categories and steps.%农民工权益保障是一系统工程,合法与合理的劳动经济权益往往需要通过民主权利的有效实现来加以保证。但农民工群体的民主权利常被漠视,尤其缺乏其利益诉求的途径与相应制度保障。制约农民工民主权利实现的障碍因素,主要有法律制度存在缺陷、发展理念存在偏差、户籍制度与用工制度的存在双重歧视、不同职工群体存在利益之争以及农民工自身素质与能力相对不足等。切实保障广大农民工的民主权利,需要理念突破与制度保证双头并进,并通过职代会、工会、厂务公开等渠道,分层、分类、分步地予以落实。



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