首页> 中文期刊> 《纺织学报》 >细节设计在服装造型中的应用




In the garment modeling, detail design is essential for a final garment masterpiece. Based on modern garment modeling engineering mechanism, this paper examines the application of detail modeling in showcase structure, craftsmanship and material of garment making; the often used measures; the general rules and basic techniques and the functions of detail design and so on. Simple as it may loe, detail design can enrich the contents open up space of garment modeling, and bring us an entirely new visual enjoyment of anima, creativity and aesthetic feeling. This study offers valuable reference for the profound understanding of the importance of detail design, and discusses its various applications in adding the elements of garment design.%在服装造型中,细节设计是展现服装整体造型的点睛之笔.为此,从现代服装工程设计的角度出发,列举细节设计在服装结构、服装工艺和服装材料3个方面的应用及表现,分析常见的细节设计形式和手段,总结细节设计的一般规律和基本技法.说明细节设计虽然简单,却能丰富服装造型的内容、拓展服装造型的设计空间,赋予服装造型以灵气、创意和美感.研究成果对深入认识细节设计的重要性,并在设计过程中灵活运用以丰富服装造型的内容具有一定的价值.



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