首页> 中文期刊>测试技术学报 >一种改进的无线信道中压缩视频码流的错误隐藏算法




The wireless channel is not a steady environment. Random errors are easy to burst out. Coded video has great relativity in compressed streams. Errors produced in the channel are anticipated to spread in the subsequent frames. This thesis analyzed the principle and shortages of traditional error concealment algorithms. A new algorithm, which adopted compressed sensing architecture, was proposed. Candidate slices were relative to channel conditions according to error rules of wireless channels. The goal slice was derived in resolution manner. This avoids heavy computation in the rank of candidate slices of error concealment using source semantics (ECSS), and has the advantages of simple calculation and high objective recovery quality. Meanwhile, channel status can be estimated by the proposed method. Resends were asked in bad condition.%无线信道传输环境不稳定,容易产生随机和突发误码,这对码流相关性很强的压缩视频信号将产生很恶劣的影响,并将在解码端扩散.本文分析了传统错误隐藏算法的原理和局限性,针对信源语义错误隐藏技术计算量大、可能不能得到目标片的缺点,提出一种新的算法,根据无线信道误码的特点,产生与信道情况相关的候选片,利用压缩感知技术的模糊匹配特性,用解析方式得到目标片,并可在此基础上对信道恶劣的情况提出重传建议,计算简单,客观恢复质量较好.



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