首页> 中文期刊>技术经济与管理研究 >现代装备制造业与服务业融合发展研究--基于“互联网+”的视角




With the rapid development of information technology, the development trend of industry convergence is outstanding day by day, the modern equipment manufacturing industry and producer service industry integration and development trend is increasingly evident, producer services has become a modern equipment manufacturing industry is an indispensable and important link. The rapid development of the Internet today, how the modern equipment manufacturing industry in the face of " Internet plus" tide, how to realize the modern equipment manufacturing and producer services integration and development , has become a practical problem facing China's modern equipment manufacturing industry. Based on this, this paper attempts to start from "Internet plus" perspective, using the "Internet plus" way of thinking and methods, to explore the path of integration and development of modern equipment manufacturing and production services, and constantly deepen our thinking on modern equipment manufacturing industry transformation and upgrading, enrich and perfect the theory and practice of system integration of the two.%信息技术的快速发展,使不同产业之间出现了融合发展的趋势,现代装备制造业与生产性服务业融合发展趋势日益明显,生产性服务业已经成为现代装备制造业不可或缺的重要环节。在互联网飞速发展的今天,现代装备制造业如何面对“互联网+”的浪潮,如何实现现代装备制造业与生产性服务业融合发展,都已经成为目前我国现代装备制造业面临的现实难题。基于此,文章尝试从“互联网+”的视角出发,运用“互联网+”的思维方式和方法,以现代装备制造业与生产性服务业为研究对象,探讨二者融合发展的可行路径,进而不断加深对现代装备制造业转型升级的思考,丰富和完善了二者融合发展的理论和实践体系。



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