首页> 中文期刊> 《泰山学院学报》 >生物教学语境下的知识发生过程教学探析




The teaching for originating and developing process of knowledge, which manifests the knowl- edge how to originate and how to develop, concentrates on not only conclusion but also process and makes students experience full process of originating and developing of knowledge. But the phenomenon that greater attention is paid to the conclusion than the process is very common in current instruction of university. The ap- proaches of implementing the teaching for originating and developing process of knowledge in biological in- struction of university is as follows: forming process of biological rules, building up process of biological con- cepts, designing process of biological experiments.%知识发生过程教学即揭示知识的来龙去脉,还原知识生产的原始背景,让学生亲身体验和感受知识发生和发展的全过程.目前,大学教学中“重结论,轻过程”的教学方式弥漫课堂.在生物教学中进行知识发生过程教学的内涵是:让学生追溯生物学定律的形成过程;让学生亲历生物学概念的建立过程;让学生体验生物学实验的设计过程.



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