首页> 中文期刊>南方医科大学学报 >正常成人视觉及听觉皮层结构连通性的扩散张量成像研究




Objective To investigate the structural connectivity between visual cortex and auditory cortex in healthy adults. Methods Diffusion tensor imaging was performed to examine the brain of 21 healthy adult subjects. The structural connectivity was calculated based on fractional anisotropy (FA) value of the visual and auditory cortices, and fiber tracking was performed between the visual cortex and auditory cortex. Results Positive structural connectivity was demonstrated between the bilateral visual cortices, and between the bilateral auditory cortices. Ipsilateral primary auditory cortex presented a negative structural connectivity with the ipsilateral visual cortex, and a positive structural connectivity with the contralateral visual cortex. A positive connectivity was demonstrated between the secondary auditory cortex and visual cortex. Tracking analysis showed fiber connectivity between the bilateral visual cortices, and between the ipsilateral auditory and visual cortices. Conclusion Intrinsic structural connectivity is present between the visual cortex and auditory cortex in the brain of healthy adults.%目的 探索正常成人视觉与听觉皮层间结构的连通性.方法 对21例健康成年人进行脑部扩散张量成像(DTI)扫描,并对DTI数据进行视觉皮层和听觉皮层间结构连通性分析及纤维束示踪成像.结果 双侧视觉皮层之间及双侧听觉皮层之间均存在正性结构连接.同侧初级听觉皮层区与同侧视觉皮层存在负性连接,与对侧视觉皮层间存在正性连接.次级听觉皮层与双侧视觉皮层间存在正性结构连接.纤维示踪成像显示双侧视觉皮层之间、同侧视觉皮层与听觉皮层之间存在纤维束连接.结论 双侧视觉皮层与听觉皮层之间存在内在的结构连通性.



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