


唐前期西州的雇人代役契约,条款明确、内容完备,雇佣双方责任或义务清楚,已经发展到比较完善的程度。雇价以银钱支付为主,日均雇价从唐贞观、永徽年间0.23文、0.33文到武周载初年间的0.67文,上涨了一倍还多。由于西域局势风云变幻,战争不断,银钱贬值严重,唐贞观、永徽年间,替烽人日均雇价银钱可买粮食麦粟9�1升至1.35斗,到武周载初年前后,日均最高雇价0.67文银钱仅买麦粟约1.08斗。雇人代役的出现,除了与唐代雇佣形势发展有关外,还与钱主们“因种麦、秋收等事宜”、西州地区人口减少以及政府的默许有关,既体现了唐政府对西州的实际情况的灵活变通,也反映了唐政府对上役的人性化管理,具有深远的历史意义。%The contract of corvée replacement in the early Tang dynasty had developed to perfect de-gree with clear terms, responsibility or liability. The wages was paid to employee by silver money, with average daily wages from 0.23 or 0.33 wen during the Zhenguan and Yonghui years raising to 0.67 wen before and after WU Zetian’ s Zaichu years in the Tang dynasty. Due to the turbulent situation in the Xizhou regions, the value of silver money is serious devaluated so that the wages which originally can buy 9.1 sheng to 1.35 dou of grain during the Zhenguan and the Yonghui years, then can only buy 1.08 dou wen during the Zaichu years. The appearance of the contract of corvée replacement is related to the em-ployment situation of the early Tang dynasty, the planting of wheat and autumn harvest, the decreasing of population in Xizhou area and the acquiescence of the government. It reflected that the flexible and hu-mane management of the Tang government, and had a far-reaching significance in history.



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