首页> 中文期刊>上饶师范学院学报 >保护与开发闽浙皖赣革命根据地资源的对策研究




Shangrao is facing some prominent problems in terms of protecting and exploring the resources of Minzhegan Revolutionary Bases ,such as ,the construction of patriotism education bases ,the building of red tourism resources ,and the collection and organi-zation of historical revolutionary materials .Thus ,the countermeasures are as follows :to strengthen the efforts to protect and explore the battle sites ,traces ,museums and monuments of revolutionary martyrs ,and to bring into full play the role of patriotism education bases;to make great efforts to build red culture , and to improve the red -tourism brand effect of the Minzhegan Revolutionary Bases;to dig deep and comprehensively for the historical materials of the Bases and carry on the rescue work of historical materials .%爱国主义教育基地建设、红色旅游资源打造、革命史料收集整理,是目前上饶境内的闽浙皖赣革命根据地资源保护与开发上存在的最突出难题。解决的对策是:加大保护与开发革命先烈的战斗遗址、遗迹以及纪念馆、纪念碑的力度,充分发挥爱国主义教育基地的作用;抓好红色文化建设,提升闽浙皖赣革命根据地的红色旅游品牌效应;全方位地深入挖掘闽浙皖赣革命根据地史料,开展革命史料抢救工程。



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