首页> 中文期刊> 《上海第二工业大学学报》 >新时期高校群体性事件的预防及其应对机制




Mass incidents in college concentratedly reflects social deep-seated contradictions, and also a collective behavior not com-plied with social norms by assembled students who express their interests or emotions. Since these incidents have great affect, some colleges have established effective systems on prevention and control to actively keep them under control. Through their preventive exercises, the incident, once occurred, can be properly managed. Some colleges, however, are reluctant to set up complete preventive system to such incidents, so there leave hidden danger for incident disposal and also serious tests to college administration. A better preventive system for mass incidents needs contingency plans in advance and then proper disposals before drawing up experiences and lessons in time.%高校群体性事件是社会深层次矛盾在高校的集中体现,是学生为了表达某种利益诉求或者宣泄情绪而聚集在一起、不受社会规范制约并对高校产生深刻影响的集体行为。一些高校建立了有效的防控体系,积极应对群体性事件,进行预防与演练,群体性事件一旦爆发,便能妥善处置。但是,也有一些高校心存侥幸,没有建立完善的应对群体性事件的预防体系,这就为处置群体性事件留下了隐患,也将对高校治理能力带来严峻的考验。为此,针对加强高校群体性事件预防体系建设的问题进行探讨,只有事前积极准备预案及演练、事中妥善处置、事后及时总结经验教训,才能妥善处置群体性事件。



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