首页> 中文期刊>上海公安高等专科学校学报(公安理论与实践) >黑社会性质组织犯罪实证研究——以32例黑社会性质组织犯罪刑事判决书为样本




Mafia-type organizations are unique criminal organizations in our country and crime they commit has caught governments' attention. By empirically analyzing the basic profile of cases involving mafia-type organizations, the writer finds that these criminals are males mostly at 25 to 35 and have low level of education. Most of their violations are related with gambling, disturbance or violent crime. Based on his attention to causes of individual criminals, the author focuses on the macro-causes of the crime committed by mafia-like organizations and suggests measures to prevent and control such crime from the perspective of the socioeconomics, culture and education, combat and prevention.%黑社会性质组织是我国一种特殊的犯罪集团, 其相关犯罪问题已成为政府关注的焦点.通过实证分析梳理涉黑犯罪案件的基本面相, 可以发现犯罪人多以25—35岁的男性为主, 文化水平较低.违法行为多为涉赌型、滋扰型、暴力型犯罪.在关注个体微观原因的基础上, 重点研究黑社会性质组织犯罪产生的宏观原因, 从社会经济、文化教育、刑事打击、特殊预防等维度进行犯罪防控.



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