


有效打击美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市偏北地区的团伙犯罪,马萨诸塞州的警官迈克尔·库腾改进了伊拉克阿甘尼地区的平叛行动模式,实施3c警务。3C警务是为了补充以社区为导向以及以情报为主导的警务工作方法而设计的,目的是最有效地打击在高案发率的特定地理区域发生的团伙犯罪活动,被视为社区警务、情报主导警务及平叛行动模式的交融。%During the summer of 2009, violence peaked in the North End section. Members of the Los Boricuas gang emigrated from Puerto Rico with the goal of controlling the local drug trade. The gangs were well organized and worked effectively to limit police focus on their activities. The quality of life for North End residents decreased to the degree that many were afraid to leave their homes and venture onto the streets. A shooting at Washburn and Orchard Street in late October served as the catalyst to begin coordinated law enforcement efforts and the development of the counter criminal continuum policing methodology. Community policing must share strategies and the skills, the expertise, and the resources of other community and government agencies to be effective and resolve mutual problems.



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