首页> 中文期刊> 《山东青年政治学院学报》 >顾农《文选》研究述略




顾农对《文选》的研究是多角度、多层面,这在《文选论丛》体现得比较充分。顾氏研究《文选》,重在采用科学与严谨的态度,注重坚实的文献支撑与严密的论证相结合。他将《文选》与鲁迅进行交叉研究,并将《文选》与《文心雕龙》《诗品》进行宏观上的对比研究,将《文选》内的作品或相关作家作微观上的对比研究,同时注重平时研究的积累。顾氏《文选》研究同时还得益于扬州地利之便,且有继承乡梓前贤文学传统的意义。%Gu Nong has studied the Anthology from many perspectives and at many levels, which is demonstrated fully in the Essays on Anthology. He held a scientific and serious attitude and combined substantial literatures with precise argumentation in his researches. He made cross - over studies between the Anthology and Lu Xun. And he also made a macro comparative research about the Anthology with the studies on The Literary Heart and the Carving of Dragons and Poems and a micro comparative research about the works in the Anthology and their respective writers. He was aware of collecting his findings in his regular studies. His research about the Anthology benefits from the geographic convenience in Yangzhou and is meaningful in inheriting the former worthies/ literary traditions.



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