


信用政府侧重从信用角度诠释法治政府的内涵,被视为法治国家秩序的基石,是市场经济发展的需求与必然产物。信用政府理论与社会契约论、市民社会理论渊源深厚,强调政府应以立信为本,失信必责。我国信用政府建设在制度实践中仍存在只重短期利益、部门利益与财信冲突等问题,对此应予以必要的反思与改良,以建立政府与民众之间的深厚信任。%A credit government interprets the connotation of the government of law particularly from the perspective of the credit , which is regarded as the cornerstone of a legal state , and also as the demand and in-evitable outcome of the market economy .Deeply rooted in the social contract and the civil society , the theory about the credit government stresses that the credibility should be valued and the practice of cracking credit should be punished .However, during the practice of the credit government construction , problems emerge from time to time, for example, the short-term benefit is overstated, and there exist the departmental benefits and the conflict between the finance and credit .All these deserve reflection and improving on the part of the government , so as to establish deep trust between the government and people .



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