首页> 中文期刊> 《陕西行政学院学报》 >经济全球化背景下的中国工会改革




With the process of China integrating into the economic globalization, which not only promotes the prosperity of economy but aggravates the China’s labor problems at the same time, while the essence of the problems is the guarantee of workers' rights and inter⁃ests in labors relations. As a mass organization to safeguard workers’interests, trade union reform should be set about updating structure and functional mechanism through exerting the effect on industrial unions and speeding up the construction of grass-roots trade unions, pro⁃moting trade union reform, enhancing the expression and maintenance capacity of trade union to achieve trade unions transition under the new situation.%  中国融入经济全球化,在促进经济繁荣发展的同时也加剧了劳动问题,而中国劳动问题的实质就是劳动关系中劳动者的权益保障问题。作为维护工人利益的群众组织,中国工会改革应从结构体制和功能机制的更新入手,通过发挥产业工会的作用和加快推进基层工会的建设,促进工会体制改革,增强工会的表达和维护能力,以实现新形势下的工会转型



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