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Mechanism of the June 4, 2000 Southern Sumatra, Indonesia,earthquake


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Mechanism of the June 4, 2000 southern Sumatra, Indonesia, earthquake (MS=8.0) are estimated from teleseismic body waves recorded by long period seismograph stations of the global seismic network. This solution is more reasonable than those reported by USGS, Harvard CMT and ERI of University of Tokyo. The best double-couple component of this earthquake is 1.5(1021 Nm, the compensated linear vector dipole component is 1.2(1020 Nm, and the explosion component is -5.9(1019 Nm. The focal mechanism is mainly left-lateral strike-slip, with a small thrust component. Nodal plane I: The strike is 199°, the dip, 82°, and the rake, 5°; Nodal plane II: The strike is 109°, the dip, 85°, and the rake, 172°. P axis: The azimuth is 154° and the plunge, 2°; T axis: The azimuth is 64° and the plunge, 10°; B axis: The azimuth is 256° and the plunge, 80°. The P-waveforms recorded at different stations show prominent directivity. The directivity shows that the Nodal plane I is the fault plane, and that the earthquake ruptured unilaterally from the northeast to the southwest, nearly perpendicular to the strike of the Java trench.
机译:2000年6月4日,印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛南部地震的机制(MS = 8.0)是根据全球地震网络的长期地震仪站记录的远震体波估算的。该解决方案比USGS,哈佛大学CMT和东京大学ERI报道的解决方案更为合理。这次地震的最佳双耦合分量是1.5(1021 Nm,补偿线性矢量偶极分量是1.2(1020 Nm,爆炸分量是-5.9(1019 Nm)。震源主要是左走向滑动,节点平面I:打击为199°,倾角为82°,倾斜度为5°;节点平面II:打击为109°,倾角为85°,倾斜度为172 °。P轴:方位角为154°,切入为2°; T轴:方位角为64°,切入为10°; B轴:方位角为256°,切入为80°。在不同台站记录的波形显示出明显的方向性,方向性表明节点平面I是断层平面,地震从东北向西南单侧破裂,几乎垂直于爪哇海沟的走向。




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