首页> 中文期刊>齐齐哈尔大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >忠孝二元立体造型:小说戏曲视角下伍子胥形象流变




As a real a historical personage,Wu Zixu 's life experience is rather complicated,which contains the unity and opposition between loyalty and filial piety. During the development and evolution of Wu's story,different social classes and strata wrote and modified it with different styles. Historians intends to record the real historical events and thus,the image of Wu in the Historical biography is more similar to real Wu. By the literati's writing,the image of Wu reflects the Confucian humanistic ideal. The masses make the image of Wu according to their own imagination,they are inclined to make Wu heroic and deified. According to the different senses of loyalty and filial piety in different times,it is controversial about Wu. Followed times,centering around s loyalty,filial piety and righteousness,from the perspective of novels and drama styles. It aims to present the changing track of the image of Wu since the pre -Qin Dynasty,and explore the change of historical and cultural values.%伍子胥作为一个真实的历史人物,人生经历比较复杂,他身上包蕴着忠与孝的对立和统一.伍子胥故事在发展演变过程中,不同的社会阶级、阶层采用不同的文体对其进行加工创作,历史家侧重记载真实事件,历史家视野中的伍子胥和历史人物最接近;文人笔下的伍子胥形象浸透着儒家人文理想的底蕴;平民大众根据自己的想象去塑造伍子胥,他们更倾向于敷衍伍子胥的传奇故事,将其英雄化、神化.兼之不同时代的人们忠孝观念的差异,致使历代人们对他忠孝与否的争议颇多.以时代先后为序,以忠贞孝义为主线,以小说、戏曲文体为切入视角,可以呈现自先秦以降伍子胥形象的流变轨迹,展示人们历史文化价值观念的变迁.



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