首页> 中文期刊> 《清远职业技术学院学报》 >《冬天里的春天》——茅盾文学奖获奖作品丛论之一




Spring in Winter, written by Li Guowen, is a representative work of the reflective novel. Based on the clue that Yu Erlong went back to Shi Hu (the rocky lake) where used to be the revolutionary base area thirty years ago to trace his wife's murderer, by depicting his experiences, associations, memories, etc. and portraying characters like Yu Erlong, Wang Weiyu and Lu Hua, the novel from a particular perspective mirrors the 40-year-long social environment started from the Anti- Japanese War to the downfall of the Gang of Four. Meanwhile it exposes and castigates the destructive aspect of the Cultural Revolution, discusses the causes of that and considers how to prevent the recurrence of such social change. As the novel extols the virtues of humanity, it criticizes the vices. The novel contains various and vivid characters. With modem western novel's techniques such as stream of consciousness, montage, and symbolism, the plot is fluctuating, and the theme is concentrated. Moreover, the writer places emphasis on psychological description and lyrical writing, and contrasts the environment with the content. All in all he pioneers a creative way of description among the modem novels.%李国文的《太天里的春勘为“反思”小说的代表作。小说以于而龙回到30年前战争年代的根据地石湖查找暗杀前妻芦花的凶手为线索,通过对他查找期间的经历、见闻、联想、回忆等的叙述以及由此描摹出来的于而龙、王纬宇、芦花等人物形象,从一个特定的视角反映了从抗日战争到粉碎“四人帮”长达40年的社会风貌;揭露和鞭挞了“文革”的破坏性,探讨了“文革”产生的根源以及如何避免“文革”重演之类的问题;歌颂了人性美、人情美,鞭挞了人性恶。小说人物众多而又个性鲜明;运用了“意识流”、“蒙太奇”、象征等西方现代派小说常用的手法;情节扑朔迷离,跌宕起伏;线索纷繁而又主线分明;注重描写心理;环境描写与内容相参照;抒情色彩浓郁;开启了当代小说叙事创新的先河。



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