首页> 中文期刊> 《齐鲁护理杂志》 >系统性康复护理指导对颈椎病患者知己健康管理行为的影响




Objective:To explore the effect of systematic rehabilitation nursing on health management behavior in patients with cervical spondylosis. Methods:160 patients diagnosed of cervical spondylosis from May 2010 to March 2012 were randomly divided into the experi-mental group and the control group(80 cases in each group). The patients in the experimental group were given the systematic rehabilita-tion nursing care and the patients in the control group were given traditional health education. The patients in both groups were investigated on the awareness of the disease-related knowledge,health risk factors,health management behavior,rate of satisfaction and recurrence rate of the disease respectively on admission and in 6 months after discharge,and the data collected were statistically processed. Results:The patients' correction rate of answering the questions about the disease and health risk factors and the self-management behavior were higher and better in the experimental group than the control group after rehabilitation nursing and health education(P﹤0. 05);the patients' re-currence rate of cervical spondylosis was lower in the experimental group than the control group after discharge for 6 months(P﹤0. 05);the rate of satisfaction was higher in the experimental group than the control group(P﹤0. 05). Conclusion:The systematic rehabilitation nursing can help patients form good behavior in the health management and change the bad habits;it can also improve patient's conscious-ness of health care and reduce the recurrence rate of the disease.%目的:探讨系统性康复护理指导对颈椎病患者知己健康管理行为的影响。方法:将2010年5月~2012年3月确诊的160例颈椎病患者随机分为实验组和对照组各80例,实验组给予系统性康复护理指导,对照组给予传统健康教育模式。两组患者分别于入院时进行颈椎病知识、健康风险因素调查以及出院后6个月进行知己健康管理行为、满意度、颈椎病复发率调查,并对收集的数据采用统计学软件处理。结果:实验组康复护理指导和健康教育后颈椎病知识及健康风险因素回答正确率、自我健康管理行为均高于对照组(P﹤0.05);出院6个月后,患者颈椎病复发率低于对照组、满意度高于对照组(P﹤0.05)。结论:颈椎病知识缺乏、长期伏案工作、睡眠姿势及枕头使用方法错误等原因为颈椎病患者高发病率的风险因素,而系统性康复护理指导能帮助患者形成良好的知己健康管理行为,改变不良的生活习惯,提高患者保健意识,对降低颈椎病患者复发率有重要意义。



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