首页> 中文期刊> 《精神医学杂志》 >山东省精神卫生机构康复科设置现况研究




Objective To analyze the establishment of rehabilitation department in mental health institutions of Shandong province.Methods All the medical institutions providing mental health medical services in Shandong province were assessed with National Mental Health Resources Questionnaire.Results There were 58 institutions having set up rehabilitation departments/occupation recreation departments from all 178 mental health institutions of Shandong province,covering 53 districts of 17 cities.81.04% of all the rehabilitation departments were established since 2000,and 53.45% were established after 2010.There were 776 staff and 130 therapists in all the rehabilitation departments/occupation recreation departments,with a density of 0.13 per 100,000 persons.The services from 18 (31.03%) institutions were for hospitalized patients and patients at home,but none only for those who were at home.Conclusion There are insufficient rehabilitation departments in mental health institutions of Shandong province.The staff and therapists in rehabilitation departments are lacking,and there are few rehabilitation institutions for the patients at home.%目的 了解山东省精神卫生机构康复科设置现况.方法 采用全国精神卫生资源调查表,对山东省开展精神卫生诊疗服务的医疗机构进行调查.结果 山东省178家精神卫生机构中,有58家设有康复科/工娱科,覆盖了17市53个区县;其中81.04%的精神卫生机构康复科在2000年后成立,53.45%在2010年后成立.全省精神卫生机构康复科/工娱科共有工作人员776名,康复师130名,密度为0.13名/10万人.全省仅有18家(31.03%)机构的服务对象为住院患者和居家患者,无只针对居家患者的机构.结论 目前山东省精神卫生机构康复科设置不足,康复科工作人员和康复师缺乏,针对居家患者的康复机构少.



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