首页> 中文期刊>实用口腔医学杂志 >错(牙合)畸形对儿童口腔健康相关生活质量影响的研究




Objective:To study the impacts of malocclusion on the oral health-related quality of life(OHRQoL) of children.Methods:The study sample comprised 118 children seeking orthodontic treatment.Each participant of the children and parents was assessed by the orthodontic treatment need and OHRQoL using the index of orthodontic treatment need and Michigan-OHRQoL.Results:The objective impacts of the teeth to parents and children were consistent;parents evaluated higher than the children themselves in the subjective impacts of their teeth.The impacts were more influential on the children whose parents with higher income and the parents with higher education.Conclusion:Malocclusion affects the oral health related quality of life evaluated by both the children and their parents.%目的:调查错(牙合)畸形对儿童生活质量的影响.方法:选择门诊就诊儿童118名,采用IOTN-DHC指数评价错(牙合)畸形严重程度,采用儿童和家长版Michigan-OHRQoL量表测定对生活质量的影响.结果:错(牙合)畸形在咀嚼等客观方面对家长和儿童影响较一致,家长对儿童牙齿的主观评价较儿童自身评价高;收入较高与教育程度高的家长评价错(牙合)畸形对患儿的生活质量影响较大.结论:错(牙合)畸形对儿童的口腔健康相关生活质量有影响,影响程度与家长收入及教育程度有关.



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