首页> 中文期刊>实用口腔医学杂志 >颌间固定螺钉在口腔颌面骨折治疗中的应用




Objective: To evaluate the clinical results of intermaxillary fixation screws used in the management of oral and maxillofacial bone fracture. Methods: The clinical and imaging data of 166 cases of oral and maxillofacial bone fractures treated by intermaxillary fixation screws were analyzed retrospectively with the implant location,numbers and the complications of the treatment. Results: 668 intermaxillary fixation screws were used in the 166 cases,at an average of 4 screws per case. The occlusal relationship of the patients was perfect after 1 week traction. Radiographs showed 105 screws (15. 7%) reached the superficial layer of dentin,middle or deep layer in 14 cases (2. 1%),and root canal injury in 2 cases(1. 2%). No intermaxillary fixation screw was broken,loosened or fallen off. Conclusion: Intermaxillary fixation screws can be effectively used in the management of oral and maxillofacial bone fracture. For the most cases,4-6 screws can meet the needs. Root injuries and other complications should be avoided.%目的: 总结口腔颌面骨折手术中应用颌间固定螺钉固定和调整咬合的临床效果.方法: 回顾分析应用颌间固定螺钉固定和调整咬合关系的口腔颌面部骨折患者的临床及影像学资料,对牵引钉的植入部位、数目、并发症等情况进行总结和分析.结果: 166例颌面部骨折共应用颌间固定螺钉668枚,平均4. 0枚/例,术后进行1周颌间牵引,均能完善调整咬合关系.影像学观察105枚颌间固定螺钉与牙根轻度接触,占15. 7%;14枚中度接触,占2. 1%;2枚造成根管损伤(1. 2%).固定螺钉未见折断、松动、脱落.结论: 口腔颌面骨折术中和术后正确应用颌间固定螺钉能够良好恢复咬合关系;大多数情况下,植入4 ~ 6枚可满足恢复咬合关系的需要;应用时应注意避免损伤牙根.



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