首页> 中文期刊> 《电源学报》 >快速响应的多电平双向电源及高精度电压控制方法




A high-precision voltage control method for a multi-level bidirectional power supply with fast response is proposed in this paper.The dynamic response speed of the system is effectively improved through the middle- and high-frequency component feedforward of load current, and the severe disturbance of power output voltage under the impact load is reduced. In this way, the anti-interference performance of the multi-level power supply is enhanced. At the same time,the control mode of quasi-proportional resonance(QPR)+repetitive control of voltage loop is put forward,which reali-zes the astatic control of output voltage at the fundamental frequency and the main sub-harmonic frequency.Accordingly, the control precision of output voltage from the multi-level power supply is improved. The proposed control method can effectively improve the system's dynamic response performance and its output voltage control accuracy, as well as enhance the system stability, thus it can be used to solve the reliability problem of power supplies used in the defense facilities and civilian equipment on sea islands.%提出了一种快速响应的多电平双向电源及高精度电压控制方法,通过负载电流的中高频分量前馈,有效提高了系统的动态响应速度,并降低冲击性负荷下电源输出电压的剧烈扰动,增强了多电平电源的抗扰性能;同时针对电压环提出准比例谐振QPR(quasi-proportional resonance)+重复控制的控制方式,实现了输出电压在基频和主要次谐波频率处的无静差控制,从而提高了多电平电源输出电压的控制精度.所提控制方法能够有效提高系统的动态响应性能及其输出电压的控制精度,增强系统稳定性,可用于解决海岛国防设施和民用设备可靠供电的难题.



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