首页> 中文期刊> 《植物营养与肥料学报》 >臭氧污染对不同品种小麦磷素吸收与分配的影响




With the aid of the Free-Air Ozone Concentration Enrichment ( 03 - FACE) system, effects of elevated atmospheric ozone on the biomass of five varieties of wheat ( Tritcium aestivum L. ) and phosphorus (P) uptake and distribution in wheat plant were investigated in Yangtze River delta. The results showed that the 50% increasing ozone concentration differently influenced the biomass of root and shoot of all wheat. Ozone elevation significantly decreased the yield of yangmai 16, yannong 19 and jiaxing 002 by 13.2%-35.7%, but had no significantly effect on yield of yangmai 15 and yangfumai 2. Elevated ozone decreased P content of root and shoot of all wheat, however no significant difference in the grain was found. Ozone elevation decreased P accumulation in the root and grain, and promoted P turnover from root to shoot, which increased the proportion of P in the grain to all biomass. Elevated ozone decreased partial productivity of phosphorus of yangmai 16, yannong 19 and jiaxing 002 by 9.0- 23.8 kg/kg P2O5, and significantly decreased utilization efficiency of phosphorus of yangmai 16, yannong 19 and jiaxing 002 hy 8.2%-20.2% ; however, there was no significant effect on yangmai 15 and yangfumai 2. It is quite obvious that elevated ozone pollution has a potential risks to change the matter distribution of wheat and influencephosphorus turnover in soil-plant system.%摘要:利用中国稻一麦轮作O3-FACE(Free-air O3concentration enrichment)试验平台,研究了小麦(Tritcium aestivumL)品种的物质积累、磷素的吸收与分配对大气臭氧浓度增加的响应。结果显示,大气臭氧浓度增加50%对供试小麦根和地上部的生物量积累影响差异较大,显著降低了扬麦16、烟农19和嘉兴002的产量,降幅为13.2%-35.7%,但对扬麦15和扬幅麦2号的产量无显著影响。臭氧增加导致5种小麦根系和地上部植株中磷含量呈下降趋势,而籽粒中磷含量却无显著变化。臭氧污染降低了磷在小麦根和籽粒中的积累量,促使小麦植株中磷由根部向地上部转移,增加了籽粒中磷所占比重。高臭氧浓度下扬麦16、烟农19和嘉兴002的磷偏生产力降低9.0-23.8(kg/kg,P2O5),磷素利用率显著降低8.2%-20.2%,但扬麦15和扬幅麦2号的磷素偏生产力与利用效率变化不明显。以上结果表明,臭氧污染具有改变小麦物质分配,影响土壤磷素在土壤-植物系统周转的潜在风险。



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