首页> 中文期刊>萍乡高等专科学校学报 >黄洋界保卫战中共获胜缘由之辨析




Huang Yangjie defending war, breaking out in Aug 8th, 1928, was not a complex historical event. Based on the need of education and publicity, for many years, the reasons of CPC winning in the battle has been only analyzed from the perspective of CPC, which is a little inadequate. Based on the investigation data of the relevant history of KMT and CPC, the paper presents that the result of the battle is not only because of CPC’s self endeavor, but also for KMT’s reasons: Hunan and Jiangxi armed forces struggled intentionally, government leaders and military forces fought against each other in an overt and covert way.%1928年8月底发生的黄洋界保卫战并不是十分复杂的历史事件,但多年来,学界对于中共获胜缘由的分析,基于教育和宣传的需要,仅仅从中共的角度出发,因此略显单薄。本文努力全面考察国共双方与这段历史有关的所有材料,认为黄洋界保卫战中共获胜的原因不仅仅是因为其自身的努力,还与“进剿”的湘赣军队之间的勾心斗角、政府领导人与军队实力派之间的明争暗斗分不开。



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