首页> 中文期刊>原生态民族文化学刊 >“非遗”光环下的保护与传承--人类学视野下中医针灸的文化探析




Acupuncture was listed as world intangible cultural heritage which has made the traditional Chinese medicine start to stand on the world stage. However,the intangible cultural heritage belongs to the field of culture that means its culture has been identified by the United Nations,instead of its medical science. With the history of over 5000 years,the inheritors of acupuncture keep the medical morality and help patients;however,in order to protect the cultural heritage,the protection and herit-age of acupuncture becomes image project so that its heritors change into performers. Currently,the protection,inheritage,and development of Chinese traditional medicine is controlled by national pow-er and speculated by foreign media,which make it be different from the original one. Therefore,in the fields of Chinese medicine and social science,it is the essential point to make the acupuncture de-velop appropriately in the cultural ecology environment.%中医针灸2010年入选世界非遗“名录”,意味着一直处于边缘文化的中医学正式走上世界舞台,向中心文化圈挺进,可遗憾的是“非遗”属于文化范畴,也就是说,联合国承认了针灸的文化性,但并非认可了针灸的医学科学性。已有5000多年历史的针灸疗法,长期以来传承高手都在民间,他们默默恪守着自己的医德,为民除疾苦,而以保护文化遗产作为国家意志体现的今天,针灸的保护和传承在很多场所成了形象工程,针灸医生也成了表演者。近来了,中国传统医学的保护、传承和发展被文化绑架,被国家权力所掌控,被外行媒体所抄作,作为中国文化一份子的中国医药文化,包括针灸文化被揠苗助长,加入了过多的配料,开始变味了。如何让中医针灸在纯粹的文化生态环境中健康生存,让其科学性在纯正的文化氛围中得以最佳的体现和发展,不仅是中医界,也是社会科学界必须关注的问题。



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