首页> 中文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版) >改革开放以来中国区域经济增长效率差距的变动研究




Based on the stochastic frontier trans‐logarithmic production function model with the grow th rate of total factor productivity (TFP) as the index of the efficiency of economic growth ,this paper meas‐ures the growth rate of TFP and its three constitutions in 28 provinces between 1980 to 2012 and builds GRP weighted coefficient of variation to make the double decomposition :space disparity and constitution of the efficiency of regional economic growth .This study shows that the disparity of national economic grow th efficiency has expanded in form of fluctuation generally and disparity within regions contributed more than 80% .However ,the contribution of disparity between regions increased during the period of 1999 to 2012 .Frontier technology progress rate ,scale yield rate and change rate of productive efficiency ranked the first ,second and third in contribution to the disparity of nationally regional economic grow th efficiency .Space decomposition and constitution decomposition have coupling effect , and the disparity within the four regions is the main cause of the disparity of regional economic grow th at national level a‐mong w hich the disparity of efficiency in the eastern region contributes the largest percentage to the dispar‐ity of economic growth efficiency in the whole nation .Three aspects of policy implications can be obtained from the conclusion of our research at least .%以全要素生产率增长率作为经济增长效率水平的度量指标,运用随机前沿超越对数型生产函数模型实证估计1980-2012年全国28省(市)全要素生产率增长率及其三项构成,构建地区生产总值加权变异系数对全国区域经济增长效率差距的变动成因进行空间与效率构成二重分解。研究表明,改革开放以来全国区域经济增长效率差距总体上表现为波动式扩大态势,区域内差距对全国区域经济增长效率差距的贡献率超过80%,区域间差距的贡献率在1999—2012年间逐步增大;前沿技术进步率、规模报酬收益率和生产效率变化率在对全国区域经济增长效率差距的贡献率排序中分列第一、第二、第三位;空间分解与效率构成分解的二重成因具有耦合作用,四大区域内的效率构成差距是导致全国区域经济增长效率差距的主要原因,其中,东部地区内的效率构成差距对区域内差距的贡献率最大。研究结论至少包含三个方面的政策启示。



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