首页> 中文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版) >删《诗》说及其意图阐释--兼论走出删《诗》说的困惑




The original meaning of Sima Qian's theory of selection of the Book of Songs was that Con‐fucius cut the detailed version of the Book of Songs down to an abridged edition with 305 poems because the number of poems was more than 3000 and employed thousands of bamboo slips .However ,the origina‐tion of theory was closely related to the heritage of Confucian culture and feudal code of ethics of the West‐ern Han Dynasty .Differently ,Zheng Xuan's Shi Pu X u advanced its ow n theory that the persons w ho de‐leted the Book of Songs were officials of Zhou Dynasty .When tracing back to the formation of the text‐books like the Book of Songs ,Shang Shu ,the Rites ,and Yue Jing ,we find that Zheng's theory is more reasonable .However ,since Sima Qian put forward his theory ,its interpretations have gradually been fragmented with intention by different scholars .In fact ,Confucius'did not abridge the dynasty officials'au‐thoritative and professional texts of the Book o f Songs but corrected it for teaching by taking the text re‐vised by the officials of Zhou Dynasty as master copy .%司马迁“孔子删《诗》”说本义是“孔子因《诗》三千余篇数目多、简策多,故删要而排纂成书,定著三百〇五篇,以备王道”,即“去重”是“去多”之意。此说的发端与儒家文化传承和西汉礼教制度等有颇深渊源。追溯诗、书、礼、乐等教本成书的历史、制度、文化的渊薮,郑玄《诗谱序》提出的“王官删《诗》”说可信。自司马迁提出“孔子删《诗》”说,对之的解读逐渐走向碎片化,有了“意图阐释”的意义。其实,孔子删《诗》针对的并非王官们手中的权威的、专业的《诗》文本,而是以王官更新修订的善本为底本,校正自己用以教学的《诗》本。



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