首页> 中文期刊>中国海洋大学学报(社会科学版) >北极能源安全问题研究综述




The special geographical position and climate environment in the Arctic region ,due to glob‐al warming ,melting sea ice and the increasing world economic demand for energy in recent years ,have made the Arctic geopolitics active for a long time .Combined with the current unprecedented environment changes in the Arctic region ,the availability of energies such as oil and gas resources has been increased , and a series of factors would lead to more environmental risks ,political instability and even threatening the sustainable development .China is a country near the North Pole ,and these problems have had an effect on China's energy security .For energy security in the Arctic ,scholars has made a certain amount of research . The results of current research mainly present the following features :in terms of the research perspective , researchers focus on international politics and economics ,but lack the micro research on environment safe‐ty and technical level from the non‐traditional security perspective ;in terms of the research contents ,re‐searchers concentrate on macro study such as the theoretical discussion and strategic policy ,but without the practical analysis .As for the research methods ,qualitative research is much more stressed than the quantitative analysis ,and the research methods are relatively single .The Arctic research on energy securi‐ty still has a larger room for development ,so scholars should have to pay more attention to the practical problems according to the China's national conditions and aim at the research perspective ,contents and methods in order to make a breakthrough in this area ,and make a further exploration on the feasibility of the theory ,which will solve the energy security in the Arctic region .%北极地区特殊的地理位置和气候环境,近年来随着全球变暖、北极海冰融化以及世界经济发展对能源的迫切需求使得北极地缘政治长期处于一个活跃期。加之目前北极地区环境变化及其显著,使得北极地区油气等能源资源的可获得性增强,这一系列因素导致北极地区环境风险日益加剧、政治发展不稳定、可持续发展受到威胁等诸多问题。中国是一个近北极国家,这些问题对中国的能源安全产生了一定的影响。针对北极地区的能源安全问题学者们进行了一定程度的研究。目前的研究成果主要呈现以下特点:在研究角度上,相对集中于国际政治和经济学研究的层面,缺乏非传统安全视角下对环境安全和技术层面的微观研究;研究内容上,多集中于理论探讨和战略政策建议等宏观方面,缺少对局部地区以及实践层面的分析;研究方法上,注重定性研究缺乏定量研究,研究方法单一。未来对于北极能源安全问题的研究仍具有较大的拓展空间,要善于从实际问题出发,结合我国国情,有针对性地在研究视角、研究内容和研究方法上进一步探讨突破,加强对理论建议的可行性探讨,使得北极能源安全问题的解决得到实质性进展。



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