首页> 中文期刊> 《护士进修杂志》 >妊娠期贫血及其相关危险因素的研究




目的 探讨妊娠期贫血患病的影响因素,为孕期健康教育提供依据.方法 对孕妇进行血常规检测,以血红蛋白(HB)≤100 g/L者为贫血组,HB>100 g/L者为对照组进行病例对照研究.同时对两组孕妇进行问卷调查,对资料进行单因素分析和多因素Logistic回归分析.结果 妊娠期贫血与经济收入、初潮年龄、饮茶、流产史及生产巨大儿5个因素有关,孕妇发生贫血概率的预测模型为:Logit(P)=-2.282+0.544早孕呕吐+0.343流产史+2.039生产巨大儿-0.285经济收入+0.463饮茶习惯.结论 月经初潮年龄小、流产史、生产巨大儿、家庭经济收入低、饮茶习惯及早孕呕吐是妊娠期贫血发生的危险因素.%Objective To study the influencing factors of anemia during pregnancy, and to provide scientific base for health education for anemia during pregnancy.Method A comparative study was carried out by case-control study.Pregnancy women was divided into anemic group (hemoglobin≤100g/L) and control group (hemoglobin>100g/L).A Questionnaire was designed to investigate these two groups of pregnant women, The date was analyzed by individual-factor analysis and multi-factor logistic.Result The pregnant anemia was related with the following 5 factots: financial situation, age of menarche, tea-drinking habit, history of miscarriage and delivery of large child.With multi-factor logistic analysis, The prediction mode for anemia during pregnancy was Logit(P)=- 2.282 +0.544 vomit in trimester of pregnancy + 0.343 history of miscarriage + 2.039 delivery of large for date infant0.285, income +0.463 tea-drinking habit.Conclusion Family income, early age of menarche, history of miscarriage,habit of tea-drinking, vomit in trimester of pregnancy, and delivery of large infant constituted the risk factors of anemia during pregnancy.



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