首页> 中文期刊> 《护士进修杂志》 >不同温度生理盐水对采集乳腺肿瘤标本的影响




Objective To study the effect of sterile saline of different temperature during the collection of breast tumor tissue samples ,and to establish a standard operating procedure(SOP) of biological sample collection and pres‐ervation .Method From October 2012 to December 2012 ,60 cases of breast cancer tissue samples were collected by professional person .Each specimen was divided into 3 parts and rinsed twice with the saline of 3 different tempera‐ture:C1:4~8 ℃ ;C2 :22~26 ℃ and C3:37~41 ℃ .The samples were placed in -80 ℃ refrigerator ,and sent to the laboratory within 24h for quantitative analysis of RNA .Result The qualities of RNA in three groups of speci‐mens were significant different (P<0 .01) .The samples dealt with saline C1 had the best quality .Conclusion In the procedure of breast tumor tissue collection ,sterile saline of 4~8 ℃ has the minimize effect on RNA extration and should be added to the standard operating procedure(SOP) of biological sample collection and preservation .%目的:探讨不同温度的无菌生理盐水对采集乳腺肿瘤组织标本的影响,建立更加规范的生物样本采集、保存的标准化流程(SOP)。方法2012年10~12月由专人采集乳腺癌肿瘤组织标本60例,每例标本平均分成3份,分别用4~8℃的无菌生理盐水(C1)、22~26℃的无菌生理盐水(C2)、37~41℃的无菌生理盐水(C3)漂洗两次后放置于—80℃冰箱保存,24 h内送至实验室由专职实验人员进行标本的总RNA提取鉴定。结果三组标本RNA保存质量差异有显著意义(P<0.01),使用C1漂洗过的标本RNA保存质量最高。结论在采集乳腺癌肿瘤组织标本的过程中,使用4~8℃的无菌生理盐水漂洗标本后对肿瘤标本的RN A保存质量影响最小,可增添至生物样本采集、保存的标准化流程中。



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