首页> 中文期刊> 《西北农林科技大学学报(社会科学版)》 >农村土地承包法修改中农民朴素公平观及其制度回应




The simple fairness view of the Chinese peasants contains the basic connotation of survival first,the unity of right and responsibility and the majority making decision.A field survey of 84 villages in 7 provinces found that Rural Land Contract Law violated the simple fairness view of peasants:“The contracted land to a family nei-ther increases for birth nor decreases for death”led to the fact that the survival of some members of the collective can not be guaranteed;imbalance existed between the collective and its members’rights and obligations;the collec-tive can not form and implement the majority of it members’resolutions.In the “Rural Land Contract Law”revi-sion:we should respect the farmers “survival first”requirement,adhere to the principle of land sharing and the sta-bility of rural household contract right;adhere to the principle of unified responsibilities,to achieve the balance of rights and obligations of the contract between the contracted members and the contractors.%我国农民朴素公平观包含生存第一、权责统一和多数人决等基本内涵。全国7县84村田野调查发现,农村土地承包法律与农民朴素公平观存有背离现象:“生不增,死不减”导致部分集体成员的生存无法保障;权责不统一,发包方与承包方的权利义务存在失衡现象;多数人决困局,即涉及土地承包事宜存在有事不能议、议而不能决、决而不能行的问题。在《农村土地承包法》修改中:应尊重农民“生存第一”的要求,坚持土地均分原则并稳定农户承包权;坚持权责统一原则,实现发包方与承包方之间的权利义务对等;赋予集体成员多数人决的正当性和可执行性。



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