首页> 中文期刊>西北民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版) >多民族聚居下城池形态的扩展--基于明代河西走廊治城考察




There was a long history of setting up city walls and moats in ancient China,and it reached its peak in Ming and Qing Dynasties.Hexi Corridor is a region inhabited by multiple nationalities,and different nationalities inhabited within their own cities;thus the city wall were not only for defense, but also as a demarcation.In Ming and Qing dynasties these city walls had been expanded and strengthened,different nationalities had interrelated communication and thus laid down the fundamen-tal framework for the present inhabitation in Gansu.Therefore,the study of the evolution of city walls and moats in multiple-ethnic area would help us to get a better understanding of the develop-ment of such cities and towns so as to offer experience for the development of present cities and towns in ethnic area.%中国古代修筑城池的传统由来已久,在明清时期到达一个高峰。河西走廊是多民族杂居的地区,不同的民族围城而居,使得城墙不仅是一种防御设施,也曾经作为一种界限而存在过。明清以来城池不断加筑扩展,不同的民族相互交融,奠定了今日甘肃地区居住区的基本格局。因此,对于多民族地区城池形态发展演变的研究,有助于我们清楚把握这类城镇发展的脉络,为今日民族地区城镇的发展提供借鉴。



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