首页> 中文期刊> 《东北林业大学学报》 >九连山常绿阔叶林冻雨灾害后林分的受损与恢复




对2008年初南方冰雪灾害在江西九连山常绿阔叶林造成的损失状况做了研究.对受灾林地19 128株林木(D≥1 cm)的受灾情况进行了对比分析.对不同径级和不同树高因子下林木的受损状况差异做对比.统计检验结果显示:林木爱损状况存在着显著的径级差异和树高差异.低矮的树木(H<6 m)趋向于被压弯,而翻蔸和腰折易发生在高的树木(8~20 m)当中;较大径级的林木(12~30 cm)趋向于遭受翻蔸和腰折,而小径级的林木(D<12 cm)则易于被压弯或未受害.但当胸径增大到一定值,即D>36 cm不易发生翻蔸、D>42cm不易发生腰折,树木反而倾向于发生断梢.恢复时间和受损率成明显的正相关关系,在受损率为30%之前,曲线呈现较大的波动,说明客观环境(如光照、水分、地形等)和受灾前的原生植被的组成对恢复时间有重要影响.受损率>40%以后,灾前原生植被组成的影响趋于不明显,样地恢复时间的长度主要由当地林木的生长速率决定.%A subtropical montane evergreen broadleaved forest in South Jiangxi Province was severely damaged by a snow storm in early 2008. The degrees of the disaster damages to 19 128 trees greater than leto in diameter at breast height in the forest were analyzed. The difference in damage degree of trees of different diameter classes and heights was compared. Results showed that there were significant differences in damage degree between trees of different diameter classes and heights. Trees less than 6m in height were mostly in a damaged mode of stem bending after damage, while trees of larger height (8-20 m) or larger DBⅡ classes ( 12-30 cm) were more likely to suffer uprooting or stem breakage. Stems of trees less than 12 em in DBH were likely to become curved or exhibit the least damage. Uprooting of trees greater than 36 em in DBH and stem bending of trees greater than 42 em in DBH were hardly observed, but those trees were likely to suffer treetop breaking. There existed a positive eorrelation between the forest injury rate and recovery time. The correlation curve between the forest injury rate and the recovery time showed big fluctuations when the forest injury rate was lower than 30%, indicating that the environmental conditions and the composition of original vegetation had an important influence on the recovery time. When the forest injury rate was greater than 40%, the eompesition of original vegetation in the forest before damage had a slight influence on the recovery time, and the recovery time mainly depended upon the tree growth rate.



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