首页> 中文期刊> 《北方药学》 >浅谈处方点评对我院处方质量管理的影响




Objective: to study the prescription review work, the quality of prescription in our hospital. Methods: from August 2010 to July 2013 randomly selected 100 copies a month this prescription, a total of 3600 copies, according to the rescription management method> he clinical application of antibacterial drugs guiding principles 28.who medical tube hair [2010], the ministry of health about print and distribute notice instructions and related documents, the prescription written specification and the rationality of drug use for review and comment, according to the prescription comment on special form to register, statistical analysis. Results: in August 2010~ July 2011 prescription GeLiLv was 27.17% on average, from August 2011 to July 2012 prescription GeLiLv was 69.92% on average, from August 2012 to July 2013 prescription GeLiLv 95.25%, our hospital prescription qualified rate continued to improve. Conclusion: the prescription by monthly review, make our prescription quality improved obviously, ensure medical safety.%目的:观察处方点评工作对我院处方质量的影响。方法:2010年8月~2013年7月每月随机抽取100张门急诊处方,共计3600张,依据《处方管理办法》、《抗菌药物临床应用指导原则》、卫医管发[2010]28号卫生部关于印发《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》的通知、药品说明书及相关文献,对处方书写的规范和用药的合理性进行审核、点评,根据处方点评专用表格进行登记、统计分析。结果:2010年8月~2011年7月处方合理率平均为27.17%,2011年8月~2012年7月处方合理率平均为69.92%,2012年8月~2013年7月处方合理率平均为95.25%,我院处方合格率持续提高。结论:通过每月进行处方点评,使我院处方质量明显提高,保障了医疗安全。



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