首页> 中文期刊> 《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 >图们江区域融入'一带一路'倡议的文化视角研究




The Tumen River region is the hinterland of Northeast Asia,and most of the region is within the northeastern part of China.Its integration into the Belt and Road Initiative has a profound historical origin and a favourable realistic foun -dation.The ancient Silk Road culture and the Belt and Road Initiative,and the ethnic culture in the Tumen River region can be traced to same origin and they develop in an interconnected way,the integration of the Tumen River region into the Belt and Road Initiative is an inherent requirement and an inevitable choice for the development of ethnic culture in the Tumen River region.The integration of the Tumen River region into the Belt and Road Initiative will surely promote the cultural re -juvenation of the northeast old industrial base,accelerate the pace of building ethnic culture in Northeast Asia,and drive the construction of a cultural community and a community of destiny in Northeast Asia.%图们江区域是东北亚的腹地,大部分区域在中国东北,使其融入"一带一路"倡议,具有深厚的历史渊源和良好的现实基础.古丝绸之路文化与"一带一路"倡议、图们江区域民族文化是一脉相承、联动发展的.图们江区域融入"一带一路"倡议,是图们江区域民族文化发展的内在要求与必然选择,必将促进东北老工业基地的文化振兴,加快东北亚区域民族文化的建设步伐,推动东北亚区域文化共同体和命运共同体的构建.



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