首页> 中文期刊>华北水利水电学院学报(社科版) >中西当代水伦理比较及其对我国水资源管理的启示




A review to its history and an analysis to its new development can show that water ethics is a systemic exploration to water pollution, water crisis and many other water related issues from the value analysis perspective both in China and western countries. Both Chinese and western water ethics are aimed to pursue the harmonization between water and people, and the sustainability of water ecosystem, while they choose the different ways to realize that goal. Water management in China should study the implication of the achievement of modern water ethic researches both in china and abroad, to make all the processes of water policy decisions can meet the requirement of basic water ethic principles.%中西水伦理皆为相关学者从价值分析视角对解决水污染和水危机等水问题的系统思考,相同之处在于对人水和谐和水生态系统可持续发展等共同目标的追求,差异更多地体现在对实现目标的不同方法的思考上。我国水资源管理应该积极吸收当代国内外水伦理的研究成果,努力使各项水资源决策满足水伦理基本原则所提出的各项要求。



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