首页> 中文期刊> 《海军医学杂志》 >三亚驻地部队官兵咀嚼槟榔及口腔黏膜下纤维化发病情况调查




目的:了解三亚驻地部队官兵咀嚼槟榔情况及口腔黏膜下纤维化( oral submucous fibrosis ,OSF)发病情况。方法对三亚驻地2011年5302名参加体检的部队官兵的性别、年龄、学历、身份、咀嚼槟榔的频率、养成咀嚼槟榔习惯的时间、OSF的发病情况等资料进行分析。结果(1)5302名参检官兵中咀嚼槟榔者占44.1%,以男军人为主,18~28岁年龄组官兵咀嚼槟榔率最高(53.2%);士兵、士官(50.4%)及低学历者(54.6%)咀嚼槟榔率较高。(2)参检官兵OSF发病率为8.9%,均有咀嚼槟榔史,均为男性;到部队后养成咀嚼槟榔习惯的官兵OSF发病率较高(22.9%)。结论三亚驻地部队官兵咀嚼槟榔习惯盛行,OSF发病率高,应引起各级后勤卫生部门重视,及时制定相关预防措施。%Objective To investigate the prevalence of betel nut chewing and the incidence of oral submucous fibrosis (OSF) among the commissioned and enlisted in Sanya Region .Methods In the physical check-ups in 2011, the age, sex, educational back-ground, identity, the frequency of chewing betel nutS and the time of forming the habit , the incidence of OSF were studied among the 5302 commissioned and enlisted in Sanya Region .Results (1) Of the 5302 commissioned and enlisted , 2332 people had the habit of chewing betel nuts , accounting for 44.1%, with the male service men as its majority .The percentage of betel nut chewers was obvious-ly higher in the 18-28 year age group , and the percentage of chewers among the enlisted , petty officers and those with low educational background was also relatively higher .The age group of the 18-28 with a low educational background had higher rates of betel nut che-wing.Most of them were privates or non-commissioned officers.(2) Physical check-ups reveled that the commissioned and enlisted had an OSF incidence of 8.9%.They (all male), almost without exclusion, had a history of chewing betel nuts, and the OSF incidence among them was relatively higher , when they came into service and formed the habit of chewing betel nuts .Conclusion Betel nut che-wing was prevalent among the commissioned and enlisted in Sanya region , as a result , OSF incidence was high , to which emphasis should be paid , and in the meantime , preventive measures should be taken against OSF .



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