


The practice of democratic economy and welfare state is not out of the free will of capitalists, as they have no other choices. Otherwise, they will be outcast by voters. That is why the capitalist parties will weaken the system of welfare state and democratic economy as long as they have the opportunity and can maintain in office. Therefore, the system of welfare state and democratic economy is just the alienation of capitalist parties, and it also reveals why Euro- pean counties persist in the democratic economy and social welfare covering from cradle to grave while there is an ab- sence of such a system in the so-called most free and democratic US.%资产阶级政党实行福利国家和经济民主制度,完全是被迫的、不自由的、不得已的、不敢不实行和不敢不照办的异化行为;否则,必定被人民的选票赶下台去而沦为在野党:那样岂不更糟!这就是为什么,只要稍有可能或有机可乘,只要不致下台,资产阶级政党就会削弱福利国家和经济民主制度的缘故。因此,实行福利国家和经济民主制度,不过是资产阶级等政党之所以为资产阶级等政党的身份特征之异化;而只能是社会民主党之所以为社会民主党的身份特征。这就是为什么,西欧国家普遍实行——而堪称世界最发达最自由最民主的美国却没有实行——参与共决的经济民主和从摇篮到坟墓的福利国家制度。



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