首页> 中文期刊>南京航空航天大学学报(社会科学版) >发展协商民主 推进政治文明建设

发展协商民主 推进政治文明建设



“健全社会主义协商民主制度”是党的十八大致力于社会主义民主政治理论创新和制度创新的一个重要成果,充分体现了中国共产党对中国特色社会主义民主的深刻认识和把握,彰显出坚定不移走中国特色社会主义政治发展道路的制度自信。发展社会主义协商民主,要深刻认识社会主义协商民主的内涵和实质;丰富和完善社会主义协商民主的组织形式和协商内容;不断推进协商民主的制度化、规范化和程序化建设。%"Improving socialist consultative democracy system", an important achievement of theoretical and institutional innovation for socialist democratic politics made by the 18th National Congress of Commu- nist Party of China, fully embodies CPC's profound understanding and commanding of socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, the Chinese Communist Party and highlights CPC~s system self--confidence of unswervingly taking the political development road of socialism with Chinese characteristic. Develop- ment of socialist consultative democracy requires profoundly understanding the meaning and substance of socialist consultative democracy, enriching and improving the forms of organization and consultation con- tent of socialist consultative democracy, continuously promoting the institutionalization, standardization and procedures of consultative democracy.



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