首页> 中文期刊>南京工业大学学报(社会科学版) >环保组织的生存逻辑遇到挑战——兼与郇庆治教授商榷




以2007年厦门PX事件为代表的公民自发性环境运动的渐趋凸显,传统的以环保组织为主角的公众环保参与格局已被打破。无论是媒体、学界还是环保组织从业者,对环保组织存在价值的评判都发生着变化。环保组织固有的生存逻辑会不会因此有所改变,怎么重新定位其社会价值,公众环保参与中的两类主体是保持“老死不相往来”还是会慢慢互动起来,还是个未知数,不过这个话题值得大家持续关注。%The environmental protest over PX project in Xiamen City in 2007 has been considered as a representative in recently events of spontaneous public environmental movements. Since then, public environment protest seems to be playing its part in the arena traditionally-dominated by environmental organizations. The media, academia and environmental organization practitioners are adjusting their judgments over the values of environmental organizations. It remains unknown whether the inherent survival logic of environmental organizations will have to change, or how to redefine their social values. Nor is it clear whether the two main subjects in public environmental participation will remain "never in contact" or begin to interact. However, this is a topic worthy of our continued focus.



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