首页> 中文期刊>南京师大学报(自然科学版) >DEM内插邻域自适应确定方法




DEM interpolation is an essential tool for terrain surface modeling and analysis. The size of interpolation neighborhood affects the accuracy of calculation results, and it affects geographic analysis results further. This paper analyzes the characteristics of interpolation neighborhood. There are minimum and maximum values of interpolation neighborhood of specific interpolation methods. The elevation of sampling points adjacent to interpolation point is calculated based on the range of interpolation neighborhood. The elevation of interpolation points is calculated by adaptive methods according to the results. The simulated and measured data are selected as the experimental data. The neighborhood of essential method is determined by the number of points. The calculation results of essential method and adaptive method are compared,and the result of adaptive method has higher precision.%用内插方法构建DEM是地表建模和分析的基本思路,内插邻域的大小影响计算结果的精度,也进一步影响着地学分析的结果.本文分析了内插邻域的特点,对于具体的内插方法,内插邻域存在基本的取值范围,基于这个范围对待插值点的邻近采样点进行计算,根据计算结果对待插值点进行自适应内插.实验选择模拟数据和实测数据,对根据点数确定邻域的方法和自适应方法的计算结果进行比较,发现采用自适应方法计算得到的结果精度较高.



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