首页> 中文期刊>牡丹江师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版) >明清家训文化的一朵奇葩--简析李光地的《本族公约》和《诫家后文》




家训是家族自己制定的约束、教化族人的家规法典。清人李光地秉承“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”的儒家思想,为族人制定了《本族公约》和《诫家后文》。前者在于约束族人“期改陋习,以奉善政”;后者则从克勤克俭、知书明理与和顺谦卑等方面谆谆教诲。李光地家训不仅对其族人是一种约束,而且有助于维护当地的社会秩序,对于提高个人品德修养,促进家族和睦兴旺及端正社会不良风气等都具有很强的现实意义,不失为明清家训文化的一朵奇葩。%The family precept is a kind of discipline code which is made to formulate family members ’ behaviors .Adhering to the culture of Confucianism "cultivating one's morality ,governing the country ,flatting the world",Li Guangdi ,who lived in Qing dynasty ,made《benzhugongyue》 and《jiejiahouwen》 for his own family .The former is used to make people get rid of bad habits and set good habits ;the later focuses on the terms of being industrious ,reasonable ,humility and so on .Li’s pre‐cept is not only used to constraint his family members’ behaviors but also a typical family precept in Ming and Qing dynas‐ties ,which can be used to maintain the social order ,improve the personal moral standard ,promote family peace and so on .



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