首页> 中文期刊> 《医学影像学杂志》 >数字化放射吸收法骨密度检查的可行性研究




Objective: To evaluate the application value of measuring bone mineral density using digital radiology absorption. Methods: Using the digital X-ray photography system to make radiographs on the phalanx of the survey and analyzing the result by the software of bone mineral density measurement. Then, evaluating the accuracy of the method, X-radia-tion. Check time and cost. Results:The accuracy of computer digital absorption is less than 1%. X-ray radiation is 0. 001 mrem. Checking time for group and individual are less than 2 min and 3 min respectively. The cost is low. The bone mineral density results between digital radiology absorption method and DXA are favorablely correlated. Conclusion:Computed digital absorption has the advantages of high accuracy, low X-ray radiation, short examination time and low cost. It is suitable to be the preferred method for the survey and screening in the group osteoporosis check.%目的:评价数字化放射吸收法骨密度检查工作的可行性.方法:用数字化X线摄影系统对被检者指骨摄片,通过骨密度测量软件进行分析,评估该方法精确度、X线辐射量、检查时间及费用等.结果:计算机数字吸收精确度<1%,X线辐射量0.001mrem,检查时间团体检查<2min/人次,个体检查<3min/人次,费用低廉.数字化放射吸收法与双能X线吸收法骨密度测量结果具有良好相关性.结论:计算机数字吸收法具有精确度高,X线辐射量少,检查时间短,费用低等优势,适合作为骨质疏松症检查与筛检的首选方法.



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