首页> 中文期刊> 《机电工程》 >九相感应电机单相开路的容错控制策略研究




Multiphase induction motor is more reliable than three phase induction motor, because it has more than three phases in the stator. As a result, the loss of one or more phases did not prevent the machine starting and working. Aiming at those features , two fault-tolerant motor control strategies were analyzed incorporating a multiphase motor that allowed for continuous,disturbance-free operation of the drive even with complete loss of one (or more) legs of the inverter or motor phase. A complete finite element analysis of a nine phase induction motor utilizing those controls was included. The simulation results illustrate the validity and the efficiency of the proposed method.%由于多相感应电机的定子相数多于三相,其可靠性相较于三相电机大大提高.当多相感应电机的一个(或几个)定子绕组开路或变频器的一个(或几个)桥臂出现开路故障的情况下,不会影响调速系统的起动和运行.针对多相电机的这种特性,分析了两种容错控制策略,使得多相感应电机在单相开路的情况下能实现无扰运行,并获得平稳的期望转矩.同时以一台九相感应电机为研究对象,使用有限元进行了仿真.研究结果表明,这两种容错算法均为有效且可靠.



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