首页> 外文期刊>船舶与海洋工程学报(英文版) >VLCC级FPSO海上连接的模型试验及虚拟模拟



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This paper describes the model test and the virtual simulation respectively for the VLCC class FPSO hookup, as well as addresses their different applications to the mating operation between the FPSO and the soft yoke mooring system (SYMS) in extremely shallow water. The scope of the model test and the virtual simulation covers various installation stages including a series of positioning trials, positioning keeping and temporary mooring to the pre-installed SYMS mooring tower, pendulum mating, and yoke ballasting to storm-safe. The model test is to accurately verify bollard pull capacity to keep the FPSO in position and assess motion responses and mooring loads for the FPSO and installation vessels during various installation stages. The virtual simulation is to provide a virtual-reality environment, thus realistically replicating the hookup operation at the Simulation Test Center (STC) facility and identifying any deficiencies in key installation personnel, execution plan, or operation procedures. The methodologies of the model test and the virtual simulation addressed here can be easily extended to the deepwater applications such as positioning and installation operations of various floating systems.%阐述了VLCC级.FPSO海上连接的模型试验和虚拟模拟,以及其研究结果如何应用于指导FPSO与SYMS存极浅水中的连接作业.模犁试验和虚拟模拟研究范围覆盖了各安装阶段,包括海上就位试验、就位及连接临时交义缆、系泊腿连接、压载灌浆直至达到风暴安全状态.模型试验不仅可以核实FPSO就何拖拉力要求,而且可以确定FPSO和安装驳船的运动幅值和系泊力大小.而虚拟模拟则可以虚拟模拟环境,通过虚拟模拟确认关键作业人员、作业执行方案和作业程序中潜在的问题.该文介绍的模型试验和虚拟模拟方法可以进一步推广到各种浮式平台的深水应用中.



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