首页> 中文期刊> 《管理案例研究与评论》 >反应力与适应力——天生国际化企业的国际化战略更新




By selecting three food processing enterprises in Dalian as the objects, this paper endeavored to do a case study of those born globals characterized as enterprises producing and operating in international market since their establishment, and attempted to analyze the relationship between their entrepreneurs' individual profiles, enterprises ' responsiveness and adaptability, and their strategic renewal when facing international market change during the internationalizational process. The findings indicated that during survival periods when just entering into international market, entrepreneurs ' craving for driving learning and management of unknown and known knowledge promoted enterprises' responsiveness and adaptability to meet international market change, while during the growth and development periods, entrepreneurs drove the whole enterprise to focus, acquire, interpret, transfer, promote and evaluate the new unknown and known knowledge to promote dynamic virtual cycle of co-evolution with the mutual influence between enterprises' responsiveness and adaptability.%本文以大连市三家食品加工企业为研究对象,对自创业开始就面向国际市场生产经营的天生国际化企业在国际化进程中,创业者的个体能力与企业的反应力及适应力之闻的关系,以及企业针对国际市场环境变化的战略更新进行案例研究。研究结果表明,刚进入国际化的生存期,创业者个体驱动对未知知识和已知知识的学习和管理提升了企业对国际市场变化的反应力和适应力,后来的成长期和发展期,逐渐演变为由创业者个体带动整个企业组织来关注、获取、阐释、传播、促进和评估新的未知和已知知识,促进企业反应力和适应力之间形成相互提升影响的动态共进的良性循环。



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