首页> 中文期刊> 《陇东学院学报》 >孔子“文质彬彬”论及其现实意义探析




文质理论是中国古代文艺思想的重要组成部分。春秋时孔子提出“文质彬彬”论是先秦儒家和谐审美观的重要表现内容,它把外在文化艺术修养的“礼”和内在“仁”的道德修养结合起来,最初虽针对人的修养提出,却是对文质理论的发挥和超越,对后世文艺审美内外关系影响深远。“文质彬彬”论所蕴含的思想对当代构建和谐社会具有重要的现实意义。%The theory of literary style and trend is an important component of the literature and arts theory of ancient China. Confucius reposed "gentle" theory during the Spring and Autumn period,which was the important performance content of Pre--qin Confucianism harmonious aesthetic concept, it combined the external "man" of cultivation of arts and culture with the inherent "benefactor" of moral accomplishment. Although initially it proposed in view of person cultivation, but the theory was the text of the elaboration and beyond, gave the profound influence to the esthetic internal and external of literary arts related the later generations. Confucius proposed the view of "gentle" theory, which contained the center thoughts, had important and practical significance to the contemporary constructing the harmonious society.



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