首页> 中文期刊>聊城大学学报(社会科学版) >文体学视野中的“对问”、“设论”体




Dialog style and Supposition style are two types of Wen Xuan, and they are traced back to Wen Xin Diao Long. The appearance of Dialog style is closely related to speech acts of early human. The establishment of Dialog style is traced back to The king asked of Song yu. Dialog style and Supposition style are included in the Fu of Guests and Hosts in the Miscellaneous Fu of the poetical category of Hanshu Yiwenzhi in all probability. There are differences between Dialog style and Supposition style, but they are often discussed generally together. The titles of two styles are changed constantly in the later, such as “Wen Da”,“Wen Dui”,“She Nan”,“Wen Nan”,“Da Wen”,“She Ci”and so on. As small styles, they are unable to contend with the large styles, so they are often included in “Za Wen”,“Za Zhu”,“Ci Fu”of the later literature collections, and lost independent style status gradually.%“对问”和“设论”在《文选》中被立为两类,在《文心雕龙》中被追溯源头,这使其在文体史上占据了一席之地。“对问”体的出现是与人类早期特定的言说行为密切相关的,其文体的确立可追溯至《对楚王问》,《汉志•诗赋略》“杂赋”之“客主赋”中也很可能收录了相关的“对问”和“设论”体作品。“对问”和“设论”作为两种文体虽然有所区别,但习惯上常被放在一起讨论,其名称在后世总集中不断有所变更,有“问答”、“问对”、“设难”、“问难”、“答问”、“设辞”等各种称谓。“对问”和“设论”作为小文体无法与主流大型文体相抗衡,在后世总集中常被归并入“杂文”、“杂著”或者“辞赋”类,逐渐失去了独立的文体地位。



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