首页> 中文期刊>乐山师范学院学报 >四川乐山夹江县金像寺石刻艺术初探




四川乐山市夹江千佛岩唐代造像的尾部千佛山中,有一处造于明代成化年间的优秀石刻---金像寺,它是乐山明代造像的代表作,不仅从佛像组合排列,雕刻技艺继承了唐宋时期的优秀传统,而且还体现了一些新的进展,并融和了禅宗和密宗两种造像特色为一体。其中最有代表性的十一面观音石窟气势宏伟,造像石窟完整精细“色彩装饰华丽”,反映了明代乐山造像最高水平。研究金像寺石刻对了解乐山佛教造像,以及当时的政治、经济、文化宗教信仰都是非常重要的实物资料。%In Thousand Buddha Mountain of Ji ajiang’s Thousand Buddha Cliff built in Tang Dynasty, there is a Jinxiang Temple which was built in the Ming Dynasty, where many excellent carved stone were built. It is the representative carved stone of Leshan, whether the permutation and combination, or the carving techniques are not only based on the excellent tradition of the Tang and Song Dynasties, but also some new progress in the stone carving field. It fuses features of stone carving of Zen Buddhism and Tantra together, and one of the most representative is the magnificent eleven-face Avalokitesvarant Grotto that reflects the the highest level of carved stone technique in Leshan in the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, to study the carved stone in Leshan will help us understand the politics, economy, culture as well as the religious beliefs of the Ming Dynasty.



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